Monday, October 06, 2008

Reject McCain-Palin

John McCain is unquestionably a man of patriotism and personal courage. However, his political record and current positions indicate that he should not be the next President of the United States. Here is why:

Court Appointments: The next President will appoint many federal judges, probably including at least one Justice of the US Supreme Court. On his campaign website, John McCain asserts that the Roe v Wade decision should be overturned, and promised to appoint judges who share his view. (1) To me, abortion is like idol-worship: I would not do it, don't like others to do it, but still believe that it should be legal in America.
Justices (and judges) who do not support the right of a pregnant woman to choose abortion are also most likely to hold other authoritarian, Christian-Right views. I would not trust such jurists to protect the civil liberties of Americans against the efforts of government to control them. In particular, the executive branch of the federal government has grown more powerful during the past eight years, and I would prefer judges more concerned about the rights of the people than about the powers of government. Moreover, judges with Christian-Right viewpoints cannot be trusted to defend the separation of Church and State .

Tax Policy: As noted in September 21 Glazerbeam ("Deeper in Debt"), McCain proposes a huge tax-cut for all Americans that would guarantee big deficits for the foreseeable future. A policy of always borrowing and never reducing the National Debt is not sustainable over the long run. The deficit is over $400 billion right now, without the McCain tax-cuts.

Social Security: John McCain has proposed the partial privatization of Social Security for younger workers. (2) This would reduce the revenues needed to pay benefits to current and future retirees.

Immigration: Senator McCain co-sponsored a bill (with Senator Edward M Kennedy) to allow illegal immigrants to remain in the US while applying for citizenship. (2)

Vice-President: Governor Sarah Palin loves Israel, has a perky personality, has some uncommon skills, and has achieved remarkable success. However, her responses to questions in interviews and in the Vice Presidential Debate indicate that she often did not even understand the questions, let alone provide cogent answers. I do not believe she is smart enough to be Vice President, let alone President.
She also has been dishonest about her past support for the notorious Alaska "Bridge to Nowhere" and about $400 billion in earmarks for other projects in her state. (She favored these projects before she opposed them, but gives the false impression in her speeches that she was always against them.)
The fact that McCain chose her as his successor in the presidency shows his own poor judgment of the suitability of people for high-level positions in government.

Dishonest Campaign: The McCain campaign has claimed that Barack Obama is responsible for high gasoline prices, favors raising the taxes of most Americans, favors sex-education for kindergarten children and opposes nuclear power. None of this is true. (3)

Obama is not an ideal alternative candidate: some of his past associations are troubling, and some of his campaign ads have also contained distortions. (3) Yet, he is an intelligent and thoughtful young man with a strong grasp of the issues facing America and the world. A former Lecturer in Constitutional Law at the prestigious University of Chicago, Obama is seriously committed to the civil liberties of ordinary Americans, and his court appointees will be too.
He had the wisdom to choose Joseph Biden, a respected senior member of the Senate, as his running-mate; unlike Gov. Palin, Biden will be ready to assume the presidency at any time, should the occasion arise. As Vice President, Joe Biden will provide valuable advice and assistance, particularly in dealing with Congress.
On balance, the Obama-Biden team is the one that offers the best prospects of dealing successfully with the many problems that now confront our country.


(1) The New Republic, Aug. 27, 2008, page 19.

(2) McCain may no longer hold this position. He switches without much notice.

(3) "War of Half Truths" by Craig Gilbert, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, page 1A.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

WIth regard to judges, I'm much more concerned about Obama's potential to appoint judges who are sympathetic to the Muslim Jihadists and the Apologist-Left. Last time I looked, the Inquisition was over a thousand years ago and today the Christian-Right are the Jews' best friends.

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is interesting that in all of Mr Glazer's statement supporting Obama he did not list a single accomplishment of Obama and only listed reasons for not voting for McCain. There is a reason for this, Obama has no record of accomplishment. When one compares Obama's record with even Palins's record Obama comes up very short. The point is like most left wing liberals Obama has promised everything to everyone in order to get votes, but he has no record of being able or even attempting to do anything about any problems. The issue here is between actual acomplishments and speeches. All Obama has is a speech, while both Palin and McCain have actually done some amazing things. If you prefer bullshit, then Obama surely has it over McCain and Palin in that area. If you want action and results, Palin and McCain have the record to back up their words.

I will begin with reviewing Obama's friends and will cover other issues in later posts. They say that one is judged by one's friends and colleagues and mentors. I would bet that the Talmud has also come to that conclusion as well, because it is a basic truth in life. The following are some of Obama's closest friends and associates over the past 25 years. I have only given very brief histories so I suggest you look these up yourself. Do not take my word for any of this, do your own investigation.
a. Frank Marshall Davis- Obama's high school mentor was a communist
b. Ketith Kakugawa - Obama's close high school friend and drug addict
c. Frantz Fanon - Obama's political hero who was a communist
d. Malcolm X - Obama's high school hero and Black Muslim racist
e. Raila Odinga - Obama campaigned for Odinga as presidential candidate of Kenya. Odinga was a communist who had islamofascists as supporters. Odinga supporters perpertated massacres of Chrstians
f. Saul Alinsky - Communist hero of Obama whose system of community activism he followed. Alinsky's mantra was "change".
g. Alice Palmers - Communist Illinois state senator who endorsed Obama and was largely responsible for winning his first elction.
h. Bill Ayers, Mark Rudd, Bernedine Dohrn - Weather Underground terrorists and friends of Obama.
i. Tony Rezko - Syrian Arab contributor to and friend of Obama. Rezko was a slum landlord in Obama's distric yet Obama not only did nothing to stop Rezko he took thousands in campaign donations from him. Rezko got $100 million from goverment with the help of Obama to rehabilitate housing in Chicago, but most of those houses are now boarded up and abandoned. Rezko raised $250,000 for Obama's campaigns includign his US Seante campaign.
j. Reverend Wright - Obama's 20 years mentor and Pastor who is a racist and anti-Semite who accompanied his close friend, Louis Farakahn, to see Qaddafi in 1984. Farakahn also received a lifetime acheivement award from Obama's church.
k. Rashid Khalidi - Anti-semitic Muslim scholar who was a close friend of Obama in Chiacago and who Obama praised numerous times. Khalidid has openly suppported the islamofascists homocide bombers in Israel and has called Israel an aparthied racist state. This is one of Obama's closest friends.
l. ACORN Community Organization- Obama did legal work for them and was one of their community organizers. ACORN has been repeatedly indicted for voter fraud and there have been some convictions.

1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is Obama's record in government. Slim pickens indeed. No wonder Mr Glazer never mentioned his accomplishments as he has NONE.

What is there in Obama but a good speech? Where is the beef? He has done nothing along the lines that he said he would. Where is the bipatisonship that he claims to wanted to do? Where is the concern for the economy that he suddenly has acquired? Where is his concern for national security as a commander in chief should have?

Mr Glazer and Obama want you to "believe" as if he were some kind of messiah, but this is NOT religion this is life and death. Obama has NO history of doing or accomplishing anything but a speech, yet Mr Glazer thinks he will save the world.

Here are highlights or low lights of Obama's record in government
A. General
1. Voted to raise taxes 94 times
2. Did not author or co-author any legislation in his entire political career

B. Senate
1. Obama has not authored nor co-sponsored a single bill in the US Senate
2. Obama has missed 46.3% of votes in the U.S. Senate
3. Obama has voted with Democrats 96% of the time. Obama is the second least likely senator to cross the aisle and join in any bipartisan endeavors.
4. Most liberal senator in 2007.
5. Voted against Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
6. Did not vote on Homeland Security Act
7. Voted against funding of troops for the Iraq war
8. Voted twice for pulling out of Iraq before victory.
9. Voted against bill to cut the Federal deficit by $40 billion.
10. Voted against free trade zone between the USA and Central American countries.
11. Voted against confirmation of John Bolton as UN Ambassador
12 Did not vote on bills to provide energy tax credits to home owners.
13. Did not vote on economic stimulus plan.

C. Illinois House
1. Voted "present" 130 times
2. Voted for gun control
3. Cast the lone present vote on a sex crimes bill to allow judge to seal court records for certain victims that passed 58-0-1 in Senate and 110-0 in House.
4. Voted present to prevent new evidence to be brought at sentencing to be in line with US Supreme Court. It passed 170-2-2.
5. Voted to not require a fetus born alive after an abortion attempt to receive medical assistance.

In future posts I will contrast Obama lack of accomplishmens with the real life accomplishments of Palin and McCain

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is Palin's reciord. It is not an extensive record, but at least she has a record. Palin has actually run a city and a state. Obama has run nothing but his mouth. Although Palin does not have an extensive record it is a very significant record for the short time she has been governor and her approval rating proves that she is a success at her job.

Palin's record
A. Mayor
1. Lowered property taxes

B Governor
1. Cut $0.5 billion over two years of the Alaskan budget
2. Tightened and made stricter the windfall profits tax on oil companies, and used this tax to refund to each Alaskan $1200.
3. Pushed and got an independently owned gas pipeline from the North Slope. This prevented the oil companies from having n monopoly on all oil activities. The new pipeline will increase oil supplies to the USA of US oil. In the long run opening this up to competition will save Alaska hundred of millions of dollars. As a result oil companies are drilling new oil wells since they will have the capacity to move it south.
4. Palin was against the $400 million bridge to nowhere. She was for it as mayor because it benefited her city, but was opposed to it as governor because the benefits to the state did not justify the cost. She showed she understands priorities as a representative of he constituents. However, she did accept the money as it was put to better use than a bridge to nowhere. This shows great judgment.
5. Palin has over 82% approval rating as governor by residents of Alaska; she is the most popular governor in the USA

4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thomas Sowell, one of the most intelligent men in America today, has posted this:

Do Facts Matter?
Thomas Sowell

Abraham Lincoln said, "You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time."
Unfortunately, the future of this country, as well as the fate of the Western world, depends on how many people can be fooled on election day, just a few weeks from now.

Right now, the polls indicate that a whole lot of the people are being fooled a whole lot of the time.

The current financial bailout crisis has propelled Barack Obama back into a substantial lead over John McCain— which is astonishing in view of which man and which party has had the most to do with bringing on this crisis.

It raises the question: Do facts matter? Or is Obama's rhetoric and the media's spin enough to make facts irrelevant?

Fact Number One: It was liberal Democrats, led by Senator Christopher Dodd and Congressman Barney Frank, who for years— including the present year— denied that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were taking big risks that could lead to a financial crisis.
It was Senator Dodd, Congressman Frank and other liberal Democrats who for years refused requests from the Bush administration to set up an agency to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

It was liberal Democrats, again led by Dodd and Frank, who for years pushed for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to go even further in promoting subprime mortgage loans, which are at the heart of today's financial crisis.

Alan Greenspan warned them four years ago. So did the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers to the President. So did Bush's Secretary of the Treasury, five years ago.

Yet, today, what are we hearing? That it was the Bush administration "right-wing ideology" of "de-regulation" that set the stage for the financial crisis. Do facts matter?

We also hear that it is the free market that is to blame. But the facts show that it was the government that pressured financial institutions in general to lend to subprime borrowers, with such things as the Community Reinvestment Act and, later, threats of legal action by then Attorney General Janet Reno if the feds did not like the statistics on who was getting loans and who wasn't.

Is that the free market? Or do facts not matter?

Then there is the question of being against the "greed" of CEOs and for "the people." Franklin Raines made $90 million while he was head of Fannie Mae and mismanaging that institution into crisis.

Who in Congress defended Franklin Raines? Liberal Democrats, including Maxine Waters and the Congressional Black Caucus, at least one of whom referred to the "lynching" of Raines, as if it was racist to hold him to the same standard as white CEOs.

Even after he was deposed as head of Fannie Mae, Franklin Raines was consulted this year by the Obama campaign for his advice on housing!

The Washington Post criticized the McCain campaign for calling Raines an adviser to Obama, even though that fact was reported in the Washington Post itself on July 16th. The technicality and the spin here is that Raines is not officially listed as an adviser. But someone who advises is an adviser, whether or not his name appears on a letterhead.

The tie between Barack Obama and Franklin Raines is not all one-way. Obama has been the second-largest recipient of Fannie Mae's financial contributions, right after Senator Christopher Dodd.

But ties between Obama and Raines? Not if you read the mainstream media.

Facts don't matter much politically if they are not reported.

The media alone are not alone in keeping the facts from the public. Republicans, for reasons unknown, don't seem to know what it is to counter-attack. They deserve to lose.

But the country does not deserve to be put in the hands of a glib and cocky know-it-all, who has accomplished absolutely nothing beyond the advancement of his own career with rhetoric, and who has for years allied himself with a succession of people who have openly expressed their hatred of America.

8:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So let's talk about policies. I will first list those presented by Mr Glazer, then address those ignored by Mr Glazer.

Supreme Court appointments: Mr Glazer is afraid of conservative justices who might overturn Roe v Wade. This is a red herring. The court is now 5-4 conservative yet there has not been a case that has come any where near overturning Roe v Wade. So what difference would it make if it were 9-0 conservative? The real problem is not Roe v Wade as that will never be overturned and there is no evidence that a conservative court would overturn Roe v Wade. The main problem is activist liberal judges who over the past 20 years have given rights out like candy, rights that do not exist in the Constitution. The main judicial problems we have had over the past 20 years has not been conservative judges, but liberal activist judges who want to write their own Constitution through the courts.

Tax policy: Mr Glazer favors Obama because McCain proposes a tax cut that ghe claims will cause a budget deficit. We argued this previously in Mr Glazer's Sept 21 post: Deeper in Debt. Mr Glaser's analysis is incorrect. The budget deficit is not and is never due to low taxes. The budget deficit is due to spending more than one has. Obama has proposed a trillion dollars of extra spending that is not covered by his tax increase. That is the definition of a deficit. McCain's plan will not increase the deficit because cutting the taxes when done the way he will do it increases tax revenues because the tax cut increases business earnings and therefore tax revenues. This is NOT theory this is exactly what happened with the Bush tax cuts which got us out of the mini recession after 9/11.

Social Security: Mr Glazer favors Obama because he will continue the current failed policies. Social Security is failing and has no money yet Mr Glazer wants this to continue. It is proven that the payout of Social Security is less than 2%. That is you get back on average less than 2% of what you put in. This is outragious and why McCain wants to change this. This is unfair to the average worker as this is who needs it the most yet he is only getting a 2% rturn. The fat cat rich guys who invest their money is ANYTHING ELSE and do not need Social Security get much more of a return. So Mr Glazer's policy hurts the little guy, hurts the worker the most. Workers or the middle class would get a much better return if they simply put their money in a savings account or CD, but Obama and Mr Glazer want to ensure that the middle class only get poorer as they get older and retire.

Immigration: Mr Glazer does not like McCain because he co-sponsored an immigration bill with Senator Kennedy. Amazing, no mention of Obama at all. Obama is totally absent on this issue of immigration as he is absent on every issue. Mr Glazer doesn't mention anything about Obama because Obama has no record on this or any issue.
Here we have a case where McCain bucked his own party to co-sponsored a bil with one of the most liberal senators. This is a real example of bipartisonship that Obama knows nothing about. Obama promises bipartisanship, but it is McCain who has actually done it. In fact Obama has voted with his party 96% of the time in the US Senate. Obama is the antithesis of bipartisanship. McCain has not only co-sponsored legislation with Kennedy he has done it with Feingold who is even more liberal than Kennedy. Mr Glazer should be praising McCain if he really cares about bipartisanship and really cares about whether candidates live up to their promises.

Vice President: Mr Glazer favors Obama because he thinks Biden is more qualified than Palin. Qualified for what? Palin has a record as I listed above and Obama does not. Palin has actually accomplished things in office Obama has not. Palin has actually had executive experience as she has run a city and a state, and Obama has run nothing but his mouth. The most experienced person in the issue that matters, executive experience, is Palin and the person with the least experience is Obama. If experience is an issue then surely Obama is the last person you should vote for.

Dishonest Campaign: Mr Glazer claims that McCain has said things about Obama that are not true and the issue he brings up are in fact false or deceptive. Mr Glazer claims that Obama is not against nuclear power but his energy plan does not include nuclear power and McCain's does. Mr Glazer says that Obama does not favor sex education for children, but the policy he favored would in fact do that. Either he favors it or he is ignorant of its policies effect. Mr Glazer says that Obama does not favor raising most Americans taxes but he does. While Obama's income taxes do not effct everyone. Obama will allow the Bush tax cuts to expire and that will effect most Americans. Obama will raise capital gains taxes and this does effect most Americans through their pension plans and 401K mutual funds. Mr Glazer says that McCain blamed Obama for high gasoline prices. I am sorry but I think this is quite false that McCain did no such thing. If he did then Mr Glazer should post the quote.
Of course Obama has said many lies about McCain, but I will not go down this road right now. I might pick it up in a later post.

It is very interesting and telling that Mr Glazer did not address the major issues below.

Disgusting friends, mentors, colleagues: Obama's record is abominable and it goer to the heart of his moral character. McCain on the other hand has an excellent record in this regard. H did get involved with Keating, but a congressional investigation declared him innocent of any wrongdoing. There has never been a congressional investigation of Obama's connection with his nefarious friends.

Israel: Obama has numerous anti-Israel and anti-Semitic friends who I listed in a post above. Obama is on record of telling one of his Islamic friends that he is not pushing his favoritism of the Palestinian Arabs right now because he needs to win the Jewish vote, but after the election he will once again be a strong supporter of the Palestinian Arabs against Israel.

National Security: Obama is for gutting the Defense Department, getting rid of our nuclear detterence, and surrendering in Iraq to the islamofascists. Obama has said that he will unconditionally sit down to negotiate with all of our enemies including Iran, Syria, North Korea. Obama will be pushed around by all of the despots and dictators of the world and the national security of the USA will be devastated by Obama. This may be the worst effect of an Obama presidency because every time in history that we have looked weak we have been attacked. Bin Laden attacked us because we looked weak when Clinton ran away from Mogidishu (according to Bin Laden himself)

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is one more issue: character. In this issue I will not consider actions as young men because they both did things as young men that they greatly regret as I’m sure we all do. McCain was a wild hot head and Obama was a crack head. Obama fully admits his crack head days as he wrote about it in one of his books. Both Clinton and Bush also took drugs in college as I would bet some of the people reading this have. The issue here is actions, not beliefs, as established young but mature adult men.

The most significant issue of McCain's character was his actions as a prisoner of war. McCain who was stabbed and had broken arm after crashing in Vietnam and was in very bad physical condition after many operations and a long battle with infections was offered immediate release by the Viet Cong when they discovered he was the son of an admiral. McCain, thinking of his fellow prisoners, decided to decline the offer even though he knew it meant torture and perhaps death. McCain was tortured for many months as he was hung from the ceiling by his arms. This is why he cannot lift his arms over his head. McCain’s character was also tested this year when he strongly supported the “surge” when almost no other politician did and when every media source and pundit was against the surge. He also did this when everyone said that this decision was the end of his run for the presidency. He said he would rather lose an election than abandon the troops and his country. He turned out to be correct, but more importantly he made a hard decision for the sake of others against his own chance for personal gain. This is character.

The character flaw in Obama I will discuss has been a pattern in his life as I can cite other similar examples; but this one we all know about. The example, of course, is Reverend Wright. Now there are two character flaws involved here: choosing bad characters as friends, colleagues, and mentors, and abandonment of friends, colleagues, mentors and even relatives for personal gain. The first flaw I have discussed previously and it does not directly effect you as a voter, but the second can effect everyone if he is elected president. After spending 20 years in the church of Reverend Wright, stating numerous times that Reverend Wright was his most important mentor, and having Reverend Wright perform his marriage; when his election was at stake he abandoned Reverend Wright. I do not know about you but I cannot imagine abandoning a friend or mentor of 20 years. You all have Rabbis and friends who you have had for 20 years, would you do this? Either you would never have such a friend and mentor as Wright or if you had you would not abandon him. But it goes deeper than this. Before this Obama made a major speech on racism in which he said that he would not abandon Wright any more than he would abandon his grandmother because of racism, Obama accused his grandmother of racism when she told him she was afraid of Black panhandlers on her bus. Obama’s grandmother raised him and she took a bus to work every day in order to provide income to pay for Obama to attend a private school in Hawaii. Obama has the gall to compare his grandmother’s innocent one-time remark with the continual anti-Semitic and racist rants of Wright whose best friend is Louis Farakahn. Obama not only abandoned Wright he abandoned his own grandmother for his own personal gain.

If Obama could abandon his grandmother what makes you think he will not abandon you? Why do you think he will not take your vote and do whatever he wants to do for his own sake and not yours and not for that of the USA?

Character might be the most important issue in this election.

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

جوانان ایران به جهانیان فریاد می زنند که:
اسلام یک دین اهریمنی است.
ما فهمیده ایم که محمد رسول الله یک دین اهریمنی و یک فرهنگ اهریمنی خلق کرده و مادر و دخترانش فاحشه بوده.
اکنون محمد رسول الله در جهنم است.
Iranian young people shout to all world peoples: Islam is a Satanic religion.We understand, "Mohammed messenger of Allah" has created a satanic religion and he has created a savagery culture .his mother was prostitute, and his girl was prostitute. Now "Mohammed messenger of Allah" is in the Hell.
صيحه الشباب الإيراني إلى جميع شعوب العالم : الاسلام هو الدين شيطانيه. ونحن نفهم ، "محمد رسول الله" قد اوجد شيطانيه الدين وقال انه قد أوجد ثقافة وحشية. والدته كانت عاهره ، وكان له فتاة عاهره. الان "محمد رسول الله" هو في الجحيم.
Ирански младежи Да за всички народи светът: Ислямът е религия сатанински. Ние разбираме, "Мохамед месинджър на Аллах" е създала в сатанински религия, а той е създал savagery култура. майка му е била проститутка, а момичето си е проститутка. Сега "Мохамед месинджър на Аллах" е в ада.
Translation: English » Chinese
伊朗的年轻人喊向所有世界人民:伊斯兰是一个撒旦的宗教。 据我们了解, “穆罕默德真主使者”创造了撒旦的宗教和他创造了一个野蛮的文化。 他的母亲是妓女,和他的女童被妓女。 现在“穆罕默德真主使者”是在地狱。
Translation: English » Chinese (Traditional)
伊朗的年輕人喊向所有世界人民:伊斯蘭是一個撒旦的宗教。 據我們了解, “穆罕默德真主使者”創造了撒旦的宗教和他創造了一個野蠻的文化。 他的母親是妓女,和他的女童被妓女。 現在“穆罕默德真主使者”是在地獄。
Translation: English » Croatian
Iranska mladih ljudi vikati na svim narodima svijeta: Islam je religija Satanic. Razumijemo, "Mohammed glasnik Allah" je stvorio satanic religije i on je stvorio savagery kulture. njegova majka bila prostitutka, i njegova djevojka je bila prostitutka. Sada "Mohammed glasnik Allah" je u Hell.

Translation: English » Czech

Íránský mladé lidi křičet, aby všechny národy světa: Islám je Satanské náboženství. Chápeme, "Mohammed posel Allah" vytvořila ďábelský náboženství a on vytvořil divokost kultury. Jeho matka byla prostitutka, a jeho dívka byla prostitutka. Nyní "Mohammed posel Alláh" je v pekle.

Translation: English » Danish

Iranske unge råbe til alle verdens folkeslag: Islam er en Sataniske religion. Vi kan forstå, "Mohammed budbringer af Allah" har lavet en sataniske religion, og han har skabt en grusomhed kultur. hans mor var prostitueret, og hans pige var prostitueret. Now "Mohammed budbringer af Allah" er i Helvede.

Translation: English » Dutch

Iraanse jongeren schreeuwen om alle volkeren ter wereld: de islam is een religie Satanic. We begrijpen, "Mohammed boodschapper van Allah" heeft een satanische religie en hij heeft een barbarij cultuur. zijn moeder was prostituee, en zijn meisje was prostituee. Nu "Mohammed boodschapper van Allah" is in de hel.

کير خر آغشته به سنده خوک تو کس ننه هرچي مسلمان نماز خوان ، هم شيعه هم سني

8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ivan destroyed your arguments, Gerry. And you forgot to mention that Obama shamelessly went back on his PROMISE to accept public financing. He knew he could get away with it because the media will do almost anything to get him elected. It is telling that you consistently ignore this.

As for your concern about abortion, even in the unlikely event that Roe was overturned, each state would make its own laws and most states would permit it with some limitations that most Americans agree are reasonable. Everyone knows that the Roe ruling is a legal joke and the Supreme Court should never have become involved. Do you like the idea of unelected judges making legislation? I thought you believed in the separation of powers. How do you feel about terrorists getting the right to due process? These are the kinds of rulings you will get from Obama's nominees. And your big concern is church-state separation? We've already taken that exaggerated idea to an extreme. (Read Noah Feldman's Divided by God: America's Church-State Problem--and What We Should Do About It. I got it from the public library. He's considered one of the world's experts on the subject and he's not a conservative. Or are you afraid to learn something that might cause you to reconsider your long held positions?) Will you be satisfied when there are no more serious Christians left in this country -- and nobody believes in anything higher than their individual rights? The Islamic fanatics believe in something higher than themselves and are therefore willing to sacrifice for their cause, which is to subject YOU to Sharia law. This country will not have the will to resist that type of extremism if we don't believe in fighting for something greater than ourselves. Many have argued that this is precisely the reason that Israel has become weaker: because Israelis have become more interested in living "the good life" than sacrificing for the idea of a Jewish homeland.

A couple weeks ago, after I asked you several times to tell me the REAL reason you decided to support Obama, you said it was because you wanted to prevent a widening gap between the rich and everyone else. So, the US will fare better with bigger government and socialist policies like an even more progressive tax system and more government programs? And that’s more important than policies which will actually grow our economy and create jobs, like lowering corporate tax rates to make us more competitive in the global economy. Even Obama admits that raising taxes on the rich won't help our economy but he supports that idea because it's "fair." If that's not socialism, then what is? And you believe that these socialist policies are more important than experience? Joe Biden is arrogant and he was wrong about Vietnam, the Cold War, and Iraq! And I must also assume that these socialist policies are more important than Israel's welfare. You can't claim to care about Israel and support Obama at the same time. Which candidate will do more to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons?

With Obama we can expect another Carter administration or worse--and how did that work out for us? Well, at least I now know that your opinions are heavily influenced by leftist ideology regarding economic issues and church-state separation. I doubt Obama's policies will affect the gap between the rich and the middle class, except that jobs will be lost and both groups will become poorer. But at least you can feel good about sticking it to those evil rich and those evil corporations. Get back to me in a few years and let me know how it's going.

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You probably get all your news from the mainstream media since you don't listen to talk radio and probably don't read conservative blogs or read conservative columnists except for the ones that appear in the newspaper. So you may not know that Obama is outspending McCain 4 to 1! If McCain was outspending Obama 4 to 1, it would be the top news story ("McCain Buying the Presidency!"), but since the situation is reversed, it's barely reported. What's worse is that this became possible only because Obama reneged on his promise to accept public financing. The media has been grossly irresponsible and I hope they all go out of business and are forced to take jobs as hotel maids. The fact that you point out little things about McCain that you consider dishonest and then don't even mention Obama's whopper of a lie or the outrageous fact that it's ignored by the media, indicates that you either don't know the truth or don't care about the truth. In either case, it damages your credibility to the extent that I have no interest in discussing issues with you or reading your dishonest blog.

And I find it particularly troublesome that you conceal your true motivations beneath bogus arguments. People would appreciate if you would just tell them that you support the socialist principles of wealth redistribution and creating equal outcomes (not just equal opportunity); and are more fearful of serious Christians than extreme secularists. If you think I'm off the mark, why don't you ask your readers what they think? I dare you.

5:18 PM  

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