Sunday, September 14, 2008

Why We Were Attacked on Sept. 11

Charlie Gibson of ABC news interviewed Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin, and asked her this question: "We talk on the anniversary of 9/11. Why do you think those hijackers attacked? Why did they want to hurt us?"

The Alaska Governor responded, "You know, there is a very small percentage of Islamic believers who are extreme and they are violent, and they do not believe American ideals, and they attacked us......they see that the only option for them is to become a suicide bomber, to get caught up in this evil, this terror....."

Although Gov. Palin correctly noted that the hijackers were suicidal Islamic terrorists, she failed to identify the particular motivation for attacking the United States, rather than other countries. Neither Gibson nor Palin addressed the specific targets: The World Trade Center and the Pentagon. (The hijacked plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was probably intended for the US Capitol.)

Shortly after the attacks, President George W Bush opined that the terrorists hated our freedom. Maybe they did, but neither Bush nor Palin grasped the real motive for the crime.

From the perspective of Al Qaida Al-Jihad (The Base for Holy War), Islam is locked in an epic struggle against the forces of Christianity, Judaism and other non-Muslim ideologies. Al Qaida seeks the triumph of Islam over these forces through jihad. Although the ultimate goal is the victory of Islam in the entire world, jihadis are most determined to first rid the Arabian Peninsula of all non-Islamic power: Christian and Jewish. The idea of a sovereign Jewish state of any size whatsoever in the Gate of Islam (Dar-al-Islam), especially in Jerusalem (al-Quds), is particularly abhorrent.

Although the United States is barred by its Constitution from establishing a religion, the Islamic fanatics consider the US a Christian nation, and its soldiers are often characterized as Crusaders. The presence of these soldiers in Saudi Arabia (1) and Iraq, together with US support for Israel and non-Islamic Arab regimes in the Middle East are an affront to Islam. For these reasons, Sheik Osama bin Laden issued a fatwa (religious decree or psak) calling on all Muslims to attack Americans. After Bin Laden and his followers moved into Afghanistan in the 1990's, the US directed airstrikes at Al Qaida training camps in that country in co-ordination with the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance.

Just as the Pentagon is the center of American military power, the World Trade Center was a symbol of American financial power. Located in New York, the office complex also served as an icon for Jewish financial power within the United States economy. Another group of jihadists tried to blow it up in 1993. It remained an inviting target in 2001.

No, the Al Qaida terrorists did not "give a fig" about American freedom or democracy; many countries are just as free (take Sweden, for example), but do nothing to thwart the establishment of Islamic hegemony in the Middle East, and are not targets of Islamic terror.

We cannot effectively resist Islamic terror until we first understand that it is directed against our power, not our freedom.

(1) In 2001 there were US armed forces based in Saudi Arabia, but they were withdrawn in 2003 after Sadam Hussein was deposed.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the reason is quite clear as they ALL say it very openly. They are proud of the reason as it is their firm and solemn religious belief. The reason simply is jihad and it is a 1400 uyear old reason.

Jihad was the reason Islam conquered the entire Arabian peninsula and murdered all of the Jews. Medina used to be a Jewish city and many Christians as well as Jews lived on the Arabian peninsula, but jihad demanded that all non-Muslims be destroyed and they were.

Jihad was also why the Muslims then attempted to conquer the entire world during the 7th century and they conquered all of the Middle East, North Africa, West India, and much of sourthern Europe.

Even the USA faced jihad before. We actually fought the jihadists in the 1700's, but we then called them the Barbary pirates. They were NOT pirates they were Muslim jihadists who espoused exactly the same philosophy of jihad as they do today.

Jihad is not new and it is the reason for the current terrorism perpetrated by Muslims and it will ALWAYS be a major tenet and purpose and action of Muslims until Islam is reformed.

Jihad is one of the main tenets of Islam and will only die when the tenet dies due to reformation or destruction.

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more thing.

The USA was attacked rather than any other country because we are enemy number 1 of the jihadists, they refer to the USA as the Big Devil. This is because the USA is the leader of the free world and therefore the leader of all that they hate.

Of course the number 2 enemy of the jihadists is Israel and Israel is referred to as the Small Devil. They hate Israel because Israel is a westernized country in the heart of the Middle East and because the USA is Israel's number 1 ally. Also of course in Islam Jews are the number 1 enemy of Muslims. Muslims are in fact instructed to murder Jews by the words of Mohammed in the Koran.

8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Muslims disagree with you as well. They attacked us because the Koran told them to.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Ex-Muslim reveals secret goal of Islam
Cites behavior of 'moderate,' 'peaceful' members of faith

Posted: September 23, 2008
9:12 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh


An Egyptian who fled Islam and now lives under that religion's sentence of death says the goal of global jihad simply is the takeover of the world.

The man, who now is a pastor in the U.S. and uses the pseudonym Muhammad Kemel, recently was interviewed by Joel Richardson, co-editor of "Why We Left Islam: Former Muslims Speak Out."

Kemel said Islamic tradition teaches that those who leave Islam should be killed, and Muhammad taught, "Whoever leaves his religion (Islam) kill him." And while the U.S. is not governed by Islam's Shariah religious law, many fundamentalist Muslims do not see Shariah as being limited by national boundaries.

Kemel said the truth is that the events of Sept. 11, 2001, were the actions of those who were following the Quran closely.

"Sadly, I heard some of our American leaders and church pastors state that Islam is a peaceful religion, and what happened on 9/11 was done by fanatic Muslims," Kemel said. "These individuals ignore the fact that the main goal of Islam is to rule the world."

He said such instructions are clear in the Quran and Islam's hadiths, or sayings that have been handed down from generation to generation.

"Muslims all over the world are working hard to achieve [the] goal of submission of the entire world to Islam. They are particularly committed to the indoctrination of youth in madrassas, special Islamic schools, particularly in Pakistan and Indonesia," Kemel said.

He said the goal is to have at least 40 million Muslim youths who have memorized the entire Quran.

He said the "average peaceful Muslim and moderate western Muslim" are that way "because they have not studied the Quran."

"If a Muslim begins to study the Quran, understands the true religion of Islam, and what true Islam requires a true Muslim to do, he will either reject Islam or he will become a Muslim committed to violence," Kemel said.

Those who hijacked airplanes on 9/11 and killed thousands "are not extremists from a Quranic viewpoint; only a Western viewpoint," he said.

Kemel told Richardson he was born into a prominent Muslim family in Egypt and considered himself dedicated to Islam. He said he discovered his own faith in Jesus Christ simply through reading the Bible.

Immediately, he was arrested and held for eight months in solitary confinement in jail.

"I was given no bed to sleep on. I slept on the rough cement floor with no cover, no blanket, even through the winter. I was not even supplied with the basic necessities other prisoners were given. … Soldiers came to the cell door and threatened me with death if I would not renounce my belief in Jesus Christ. The secret police warned my family, who eventually learned that I was in prison, not to help me," he told Richardson.

Eventually, he was able to flee Egypt for the U.S., where he's serving a Christian church.

Kemel said he senses a massive conflict developing between hard-line Islam and the rest of the world.

"It was reported by very trusted missionary sources in Algeria that 170,000 Muslims had the same dream of Jesus and many of them became Christians. … Thanks to God, sincere Muslims are rebuking the spiritual forces of darkness that are holding them captive, and that held me captive," he said. "In addition, never witnessed in the past, many Muslim converts, despite the threats on their lives, are sharing their testimonies publicly through the media, through books such as 'Why We Left Islam,' YouTube and television. These are among the reasons why millions of Muslims are coming to know the Lord from many Islamic countries and nations."

Kemel also said on the leading edge of the Islamic aggression are individuals such as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who speaks frequently about the Imam Al-Mahdi, Islam's coming messiah figure.

"Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is trying to use this Islamic theology to brainwash Iranian youth, to transform them into jihadists, those willing to kill in the name of Islam. By killing and creating chaos in the world, Ahmadinejad and others that hold this viewpoint believe that the coming of Imam Al-Mahdi can be hastened," Kemel said.

"There is a fierce war that is raging between Islam and Christianity in the spiritual realm and this conflict has become more and more evident on the earth," Kemel said. "I believe we will see a dramatic clash between Islam and most of the world sometime in the future, but that the power of Islam will ultimately fail. Jesus Christ and his church will be victorious."

Richardson joined fellow Islamic expert Susan Crimp to create "Why We Left Islam: Former Muslims Speak Out."

It includes gripping personal accounts of men and women who risked their lives by abandoning the Quran and talking about it at the risk of their own lives.

12:57 PM  

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