Monday, July 14, 2008

Jordan Threatens Freedom

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, known as the most moderate and pro-American Arab country in the world, has indicted Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders for slandering Muhamad and Islam in a documentary film called "Fitna", which ties certain passages of the Koran to Islamic terrorism. If he does not appear for trial in Amman, an international warrant for his arrest will be issued by the Royal Prosecutor General. (1)

Obviously, Mr Wilders will not be visiting Jordan any time soon. Just as obviously, neither the Netherlands nor any other western democracy will extradite Wilders to Amman. But there are about 55 predominantly Muslim countries in the world, most of which provide no legal protection for speech or writings critical of Islam. With the exception of Turkey, any of these states just might shanghai Wilders to Jordan for trial and certain punishment.

The list of Muslim lands includes Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Algeria, all of which might be of interest to a documentary film-maker. Thus, the Jordanian indictment has effectively deprived Mr Wilders of the opportunity to film many of the major political and military conflicts now underway in the world. International co-operation to enforce arrest warrants is a valuable tool against terrorists, genocidal tyrants, drug-smugglers and other criminals. It is appalling that this very tool could also now be used to silence those who dare to offend Islam!

If the Jordanian indictment were an isolated act, it could be dismissed as unimportant in the struggle for freedom of expression around the world. But in fact it is a part of a large pattern of suppression of speech that offends Islamists, including:
The Iranian threat to kill author Salman Rushdie
for writing The Satanic Verses (2)
The murder of Jewish journalist Daniel Pearl in Pakistan
The burning of the Danish embassy in Damascus to protest publication of cartoons about Muhamad in Denmark
The labeling of all criticism of Islam as "hate speech" on US campuses.

All of these efforts to control and limit expression of views contrary to Islam must be resisted, if freedom is to survive in this world. You might think that Jordan, which will receive nearly $193 million of US aid this year, would be responsive to American concerns on this question. But aside from having the amiable King Abdullah II on the throne (rather than having some Hamas-type dictator running the country), the US does not buy much influence for its money: Jordan votes against the US about 70% of the time at the UN, and President Johnson could not even keep the kingdom from joining Nasser in the 1967 Six Day War.

Freedom-loving Americans should demand that Secretary Rice raise this issue with the Jordanians anyway, even if she lacks the leverage to get this obnoxious indictment cancelled. In addition, we should individually boycott Jordan and any other country that agrees to honor its warrant against Geert Wilders. I guarantee you that the Glazer Family will not be vacationing in Amman this year, and I hope that none of my readers will.

If you want to see the magnificent carved stone walls of Petra, rent Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. You'll also see Sean Connery as an old man, to boot.


(1) Jewish World Review, 7/11/08.

(2) This lyrical novel was written in the irreverent spirit of the Monty Python films, such as Life of Brian. The death-decree was revoked by the Government of Iran after the passing of Ayatollah Ruallah Khomeini.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw Fitna and all it does it list quotes from the Koran with actual videos that one can find on the internet of terror acts perpetrated today by Muslims who cry "Alah is Great" as they murder non-Muslims.

The solution to this problem is easy, Muslims just need to stop murdering non-Muslims in the name of god. One would think that a true peaceful Muslim who cared about his religion would work for this goal rather than stifling the TRUTH and whitewashing jihad.

3:18 PM  

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