Thursday, June 17, 2010

Candid Candidates

Candidates for Congress in the coming election are speaking their minds in a more candid way than has been common for politicians. While politicians have been criticized for concealing their true feelings behind bland boilerplate, here are some Republicans who let us know the truth about their gut-feelings, and it is not always pretty:

1. Ron Johnson, endorsed by the Wisconsin Republican Party for US Senator (1)
Regarding the USAPATRIOT Act, Johnson told the Rock River Patriots that "I certainly share the concerns on civil liberties now that you have Barack Obama in power....I wasn't overly concerned with George Bush in power." (2)
Even if you believe that Republican presidents can be safely entrusted with intrusive power over individual Americans, but Democratic presidents cannot, when you vote to increase presidential powers, you do so for all future presidents, unless and until the law is repealed or amended. Johnson admitted to the group that he is not a scholar of the Constitution. Fortunately, incumbent Senator Russ Feingold (Harvard Law, 1979) is one, and voted against the overly-intrusive bill.

2. Sharron Angle, Republican nominee for US Senator from Nevada
Former Nevada State Rep. Angle is a big fan of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution, which guarantees the right to keep and bear arms. Not only does this provision of the Bill of Rights protect the rights of Americans to use guns for hunting and self-defense, but she considers it the ultimate shield against oppressive government, like the present federal government.
She told radio interviewer Bill Manders in January of this year that "I'm hoping that we're not getting to Second Amendment remedies. I hope the vote will be the cure for Harry Reid problems." In case you think she was kidding or misspoke, Angle told the Reno Gazette in May that "They're afraid they'll have to fight for their liberty in more Second Amendment ways....If we don't win at the ballot box, what will be the next step?" (3)
It appears that Sharron Angle will not accept defeat graciously, as I have several times. Like the Weathermen, Malcolm X, Rap Brown, Stokely Carmichael and many others, Angle is warning that if her faction cannot achieve its political agenda at the ballot box, they will turn to violence. In other words, "The Fire Next Time." Like her predecessors on the Left, she is personally opposed to violence (although she does carry a gun, legally), but will be unable to prevent others on her side from resorting to it. Perhaps her slogan should be "Vote Republican, or else!"

3. Rand Paul, Republican nominee for US Senator from Kentucky
Shortly after winning the GOP nomination for senator, Dr Paul told TV interviewer Rachel Maddow that he believes that business owners should not be coerced by the federal government into serving people (i.e. minorities) they do not want to serve. This libertarian position is precisely that taken by US Senator Barry Goldwater (R, Arizona) when he voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (4) After this quote "hit the fan", Paul modified his remark by asserting he was against racial discrimination and does not advocate repealing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Given his staunch libertarian stance, I believe that his first statement represented his real feelings on the matter, and that he backpedalled to conform to the contemporary Republican consensus. Sure, he does not advocate repealing what has been settled law for 46 years, but if a bill were introduced today that would limit the rights of business owners to discriminate against some group, I would bet that he would be against it.
Although his biological father is US Rep. Ron Paul (R, Texas), he is an ideological son of Barry Goldwater.

In this highly politicized year, no rumor is too outrageous or absurd to be sent around the Internet at the speed of light. No lie is too vicious to tell. But at least these politicians have told us openly where their hearts are, and if they win, their constituents will get exactly what they bargained for.


(1) He is opposed in the September primary by Dave Westlake of Watertown. Johnson's party endorsement and his vast wealth (over $10 million) are expected to garner the official nomination. Westlake is opposed to the Patriot Act.

(2) Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, June 17, 2010, page 5B.

(3) Las Vegas Sun, June 17, 2010.

(4) Goldwater was the Republican nominee for President in 1964, and lost to incumbent Lyndon B Johnson. His opposition to the Civil Rights Act spurred many southern white Democrats (such as Senator Strom Thurmond) switched to the GOP. Of the six states carried by Goldwater, only Arizona and Louisiana had ever previously voted Republican in presidential elections. Since then, most of the electoral votes of southern states have gone to the Republican nominee.

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Anonymous Ivan said...

Its nice to see that Mr Glazer has finally let the cat out the bag that he is a Democrat. I could list many things many Democrats have said that are illogical, stupid, Marxist, totalitarian, anti-Semitic, etc, but I will just list two that I remember right now.

Our president, Barrack Hussein Obama, said that there were 57 states in the USA, and that Austrians speak Austrian.

If I have time I will list the numerous outragious things that Democrats have uttereed recently.

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Ivan said...


* “The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries.”
–Barack Obama, Tampa, Fla., Jan. 28, 2010

* “Just this past week, we passed out of the out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee — which is my committee — a bill to call for divestment from Iran as way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don’t obtain a nuclear weapon.”
–Barack Obama, Sderot, Israel, July 23, 2008. Obama was not on the Senate Banking Committee.

* “The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system.” –Barack Obama, health care roundtable, Washington, D.C., July 20, 2009

* “The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person, who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know, you know, there’s a reaction that’s been bred in our experiences that don’t go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way, and that’s just the nature of race in our society.”
–Barack Obama, 2008 campaign

* “What I was suggesting — you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith…”
–Barack Obama interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, who corrected him: “Christian faith.”

* “On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today — our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.”
–Barack Obama, Memorial Day commemoration,

* “I’m always worried about using the word ‘victory,’ because…it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur.” –Barack Obama, July, 2009 on Iraq

* “I’ve now been in 57 states — I think one left to.”
–Obama 2008 campaign event, Beaverton, OR

* It’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
–Obama on the working class at SF fundraiser, 2008

* “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed.”
–Barack Obama, 2007 campaign speech on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people.

* “I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
– Barack Obama defending his tax plan to Joe the Plumber, Toledo, OH, Oct. 12, 2008

* “The Cambridge police acted stupidly.”
–Barack Obama, commenting on a white police officer’s arrest of black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr., at a news conference, July 22, 2009.

* – “splitting atoms with his mind” remark courtesy of Ace of Spades HQ.


It’s hard to pass up this gem from Dan Rather.

“Listen, he’s a nice person, but he couldn’t sell watermelons if you gave him the state troopers to flag down traffic.” — Former CBS news anchor Dan Rather on Barack Obama.

UPDATE: Forgot about Obama writing in “Sycacuse” in his NCAA bracket a few weeks ago. That makes another bonus selection. Joe Biden ought to be looking over his shoulder; the president’s catching up as a Gaffe-O-Matic.

UPDATE #2: Megan McCardle made another Obama pronouncement her “Quote of the Day.”

“Those same folks who were hollering about it before we passed it, they’re still hollering about how the world will end because we passed this bill. This is not an exaggeration.” Barack Obama, literalist in chief.

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Ivan said...

Joe Biden Gaffes: Top 5 Gaffes By US Vice President

"If there were no gaffes, there'd be no Joe," Lindsey Graham, Senator of South Carolina

After Vice President Joe Biden dropped an F-bomb during the signing of historic health care bill at the White House, the world was reminded of Biden's amazing talent for gaffes. As the Vice President was turning the floor to Obama, he whispered into President's ear "this is a big fucking deal." Unfortunately, his mike was still on. Immediately, the gaffe was caught by major networks and aired everywhere in the United States.

Joe Biden F Bomb Video: Tells Obama Bill is a 'Big F---ing Deal'
Obama Signs Health Care Bill: Signing Ceremony Quotes, Video
But, VP Biden has a reputation for saying things. As the Senator of South Carolina Lindsey Graham put it, "If there were no gaffes, there'd be no Joe."

So, here is a list of the top 5 Joe Biden gaffes of all times.

Biden tells wheelchair bound Missouri Senator Chuck Graham to stand up
Joe Biden Tells Chuck Graham to Stand Up
see larger video
sourced by Amy Judd

1. Telling wheelchair bound Missouri Senator Chuck Graham to stand up to be recognized at a rally. "Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," said Biden at the rally. He than noticed the wheelchair and added, "Oh, God love ya...What am I talking about?" He tried to mend the situation and got the whole audience to stand up for Graham. See the video.

2. Calling Obama "Barack America." While introducing Barack Obama at a rally in August of 2008, Biden said, "This election year, the choice is clear. One man stands ready to go for change we so desperately need. A man I proudly call my friend. A man who will be the next President of the United States -- Barack America..." See the video (especially for Obama's facial expression).

3. Another Biden's gaffe that made Obama uneasy came at an anti-HIV rally. When Biden was asked about AIDS prevention in young people, he started talking about denial and "lack of honesty." He than launched his tirade about the importance of testing saying, "I got tested for AIDS. I know Barack got tested for AIDS. There is no shame in being tested for AIDS..." The audience broke out in laughter, and Obama had to make a correction and say that he got tested for AIDS along with his wife Michelle after traveling to Kenya. See the video (this time for Michelle's reaction).

4. Biden was caught on amateur camera talking about an elusive connection between Dunkin' Donuts and Indian people. "In Delaware, the largest portion of the population is Indian-Americans," said Biden. "You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... I'm not joking." See the video.

5. The one gaffe that actually had some consequences and required immediate clarification from the press relations office was when Vice President Biden talked about the swine flu on NBC's Today show. While addressing the issue of prevention, Biden said, "I would tell members of my family - and I have - I wouldn't go anywhere in confined places now. It's not just going to Mexico, if you're in a confined aircraft and one person sneezes it goes all the way through the aircraft. That's me. I would not be at this point, if they had another way of transportation, suggesting they ride the subway. If you're out in the middle of a field and someone sneezes, that's one thing. If you're in a closed aircraft or a closed container, a closed car, a closed classroom, it's a different thing." See the video. Biden's spokeswoman had to issue a statement after the interview saying the Vice President did not mean to unduly alarm anyone. However, representatives of air carriers expressed their frustration, saying air travel was still safe.

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Ivan said...

Aa long as we are listing what our politicians openly believe you should know that Democratic Party of the 21st century is basically a socialist party as evidenced by its senators and congressmen.

1. Bernie Sanders

2. Mark Brewer

3. Richard Allen Greene

4. John Conyers

5. A bunch of Democratic congress men and woman.

6. Max Baucus

7. 17 self avowed socialist Democratic Party senators and congressmen and women.

8. 59 self avowed socialist Democratic Party congressmen and woman.

9. and of course we cannot forget the Democrat socialist in-chief.

So yes Mr Glazer is correct. we are getting what we asked for. We elected socialists to office in the Democraitic Party and all we have gotten for the past 1.5 years is socialism.

So yes, PLEASE listen to the candidates because if you know history you know that socialism only leads to failure and misery for everyone.

And also please remember that our socialism is being brought to to you by the Democratic Party.

10:52 PM  

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